GPS Equipment Loan Program

  • Equipment object (8)
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The ESRC GIS Laboratory has a series of professional sub centimeter grade GPS units and Lazer Range Finders, peripherals, and correction software available for loan to ESRC faculty, staff, students, and collaborators.

Hover over the names of each Equipment set to the left for details about thier contents.

Please fill out the form to the left to reserve GPS equipment.  Note that equipmment already reserved for dates requested will be red / unavailable for loan from within the Equipment section box.  You will receive an e-mail notification once your equipment request is approved.

Equipment Set 1

  • Trimble Geo XT 6000 sub-centimeter GPS
  • GPS Battery, Stylus, Charger,USB Transfer Cable, Zip-up Sleeve, and Case
  • Trimble GIS Tornado Antenna and Cable
  • Trimble Monopod and GPS Bracket


Equipment Set 2

  • Trimble Geo 7X sub-centimeter GPS units with H-Star, Floodlight technology
  • GPS Battery, Stylus, Charger, USB Transfer Cable, Zip-up Sleeve, and Case
  • Trimble GIS Tornado Antenna and Cable
  • Trimble Monopod and GPS Bracket

Equipment Set 3

  • Trimble Geo 7X sub-centimeter GPS units with H-Star, Floodlight technology
  • GPS Battery, Stylus, Charger, USB Transfer Cable, Zip-up Sleeve, and Case
  • Trimble GIS Tornado Antenna and Cable
  • Trimble Monopod and GPS Bracket

Trimble Zephyr Geodetic Antenna

Trimble Zephyr Geodetic Antenna is a high-performance lightweight GNSS rover antenna

optimized for precision RTK applications. The Zephyr 2 GNSS antenna is typically used

in roving applications. It minimizes multipath, and offers robust low elevation tracking

and sub-millimeter phase center repeatability.

LTI TruePuls 360R Laser Rangefinder

  • Provides full measurement capability with AZ + INC + SD
  • Solves 3D missing line calculations between any two remote points
  • Integrates with GPS for efficient GIS data capture
  • Bluetooth® capabilities for wireless data collection
  • LTI TruVector 360° Compass Technology
  • Withstands harsh conditions with rugged, waterproof housing
  • Distance Accuracy to Typical Targets is +/- 30 cm (1 ft)
  • Integrates with GPS and popular GIS software

Trimble Tripod

March 2025
